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Edison High School Class of 1965 - Message Board

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I was 'outed'.
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wally exon
10-04-2005 02:15pm
Well there I was comfortably settled in my easy chair the night of Saturday, Sept4. I knew the EHS 40th class reunion was scheduled that weekend but my wife and I were involved in an estate sale  so I had a reasonable excuse not to attend. I also thought 'hey - I haven't made a class reunion yet, so why break my string?'

In the midst of my quiet reverie the phone rang and the caller introduced herself as Diane Luker. So much for an unlisted phone number!

I had been hiding in full view, but 'bloodhound' Luker managed to track me down! She berated me extensively concerning my abscence at the reunion and then invited me to the Post Oak Lodge to share old times. The room she was sharing was filled wih the raucous laughter of 5 or 6 (obviously inebriated) female classmates so I agreed to meet her the next morning for breakfast.

Had a great time catching up with various Edison luminaries - Diane Luker, Pam  Jennings, Martha White, Mark Bradley, Larry Wharton, Jim Matthews, Mary Carol (I can't spell Coughenour), and Steve Watkins. I regret that I didn't get the opportunity to talk to many others.

The experience was somewhat surreal. I had not seen most of these folks in 40 years, and it was just like I had been in class with them last year! Weird! Anyway everyone was without pretention and a real pleasure to visit with.

I was very pleased to learn of the class website and I want to congratulate whoever designed it (?Marion E). I was even more pleased when reviewing the class roster to find I was not deceased!

I'm glad Diane called and shamed me into attending at least a part of the reunion - which was particularly good in that I did not have to pay. I'm looking forward to the next reuinon (?45 years), and I swear on my stack of Buddy Holly
records that I will be there.

I am indeed fortunate to be remembered by my classmates  and hope to see everyone at our next get-together.

Thanks again Diane for pulling me out of my comfort zone and making me feel so welcome.

                          Regards to all-


p.s. - I can still do the alligator but I need help getting up and down from the dance floor!

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