Edison High School Class of 1965
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Edison High School Class of 1965 - Photo Galleries

Welcome to our Photo Galleries feature. If you or a group of classmates would like to start a separate special interest photo gallery you may submit a request by clicking on the Contact Administrator button.

  • 1975 - 10 Year Reunion
  • As you can see from the following photos we had a great turnout and everyone had a wonderful time at our 10 year reunion. If you didn't make this one we hope to see you at our next one!

    If you have pictures from our 1975 reunion, please share them with your classmates by adding them to this page.

  • 1985 - 20 Year Reunion
  • The Edison class of '65 got together July 26-27, 1985 for our 20th Reunion! We had a great time! If you were not able to make, we missed you. Come to the 40!

    Do you have photos from our 20th Reunion? Add them to these already posted.

  • 1990 - 25 Year Reunion
  • In July of 1990, we got together for our 25th! We had a wonderful time! If you have photos of the 25th reunion, add them to the gallery. Enjoy!

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Classmates Pics 1
  • September 2-3, 2005, more than 220 people (including 146 classmates) gathered together at Post Oak Lodge in Tulsa for our 40-Year Reunion. It was great to see so many of our friends. Here are some photos taken by those attending the 40-year Reunion of the Edison Class of 1965!

    Please post your own pictures of our 40-Year Reunion here. We would all love to see them. (Click the 'Add Photo' lin...

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Classmates Pics 2
  • Here are more pictures taken by classmates at our recent 40-year reunion, September 2-3, 2005.

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Classmates Pics 3
  • Here are more pictures taken by classmates at our recent 40-year reunion, September 2-3, 2005.

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Mug Shots
  • Bill Havel, Jeanette Bush Havel's husband, helped us out in a big way. We thank him for his photographic skills and his willingness to take a picture of each of our classmates as they arrived at our 40-year reunion on Friday, September 2, 2005. Our goal was to have a close-up photograph taken of each of our classmates who attended the reunion, and we could not have gotten close to that goal wit...

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Photographers' Pics
  • September 2-3, 2005, more than 220 people (including 146 classmates) gathered together at Post Oak Lodge in Tulsa for our 40-Year Reunion. It was great to see so many of our friends. Here are some pictures from this wonderful weekend!

    This page contains the pictures taken by John Southern of Southern Photography on Saturday evening, September 3, 2005.

    Please post your pictures on the '40...

  • 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Planning Meetings
  • Here are some photos that we took while planning our 40th Reunion. Come join us for our next meeting!

  • 2005 - 46 Year Paul Revere Elementary Reunion
  • The Paul Revere Elementary School class of 1959 gathered together for a special mini-reunion Saturday morning, September 3, 2005 at Philbrook Art Museum in Tulsa. This mini-reunion was the idea of our friend and classmate, Jim Kothe. Jim did all of the planning and organization of this event!

    It was wonderful to see so many of our former classmates - there were 23 former Paul Revere classma...

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 01 - Planning Meetings
  • Here are some pictures from two of our 45th Anniversary Reunion planning meetings. It was great to get together!

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 02 - Jim Campbell's pics
  • Jim Campbell, husband of our classmate, Gayle Rippy Campbell, was our 'offical' reunion photographer. Thank you so much, Jim!

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 03 - Marian Eskridge Sexton's pics
  • These are pictures from all three days of our wonderful 45th Anniversary Reunion. Enjoy!

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 04 - Mark Johnsons' pics
  • Mark Johnson, husband of our classmate, Jane Dickey Johnson, took these pictures

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 05 - Bob Lamon's & Annette Thompson's pics
  • The first 22 pictures are Bob Lamon's pictures and the rest (20) are Annette Thompson's pictures, John's wife & our wonderful Thursday evening hostess

  • 2010 - 45 Year Reunion 06 - Bob Wise's pics
  • Bob Wise's pictures

  • 2015 - 50th Anniversary Reunion - Classmate Pics1
  • Post your own reunion pictures here!

  • 2015 - 50th Anniversary Reunion - Jim Campbell's photos (Gayle Rippy Campbell's husband)

  • 2021 - 56th Anniversary Reunion - Add your Photos

  • 2022 06 17 75th Diamond Jubilee
  • Edison '65 Class 75th Diamond Jubilee, 6/17/2022. A Gathering of Eagles to Celebrate Our 75th Birthdays!

  • Class Museum
  • Help preserve the history of our Edison Class of 1965. Upload artifacts and memorabilia from our class past here in our class museum.

  • In Memory of
  • Forever young.......in memory of our classmates who have passed away. Let us not dwell on the circumstances of their passing but celebrate how they touched our lives.

    For more information for each classmate, go to the Contact Classmates page on this website and scroll down to find the classmate's information.

  • Look at us now
  • Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

  • Looking Back
  • Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

  • We Got Together
  • Gotten together with some of your classmates recently? Post pictures of your get togethers for others to enjoy.

  • Yearbook
  • Welcome to our electronic Edison 1965 Torch yearbook. We hope you enjoy browsing these pages from our class' past.

  • Yearbook - Faculty Pages
  • Welcome to more pages in the electronic Edison 1965 Torch yearbook. We will continue to add pages as there is time. Hopefully, we will eventually have all of the 1965 yearbook here (excluding the individual pictures of the classes below us).

    To obtain a site like this for your class visit www.ourclassonline.com.   [Administration]  
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