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Edison High School Class of 1965 - 2005 - 40 Year Reunion Classmates Pics 1
Pictures in Gallery: 79
September 2-3, 2005, more than 220 people (including 146 classmates) gathered together at Post Oak Lodge in Tulsa for our 40-Year Reunion. It was great to see so many of our friends. Here are some photos taken by those attending the 40-year Reunion of the Edison Class of 1965!

Please post your own pictures of our 40-Year Reunion here. We would all love to see them. (Click the 'Add Photo' link right below here to add your own photos.)

If you don't feel comfortable posting photos yourself, please email Marian Eskridge Sexton at mesexton@cox.net and I will help you or, if you will get your pictures to me, I will post them for you.

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Dixie Johns, Neal Stanley, and Judy Reynolds Wagner touring the halls of Edison.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 1636

Annette Thompson, Mikey Coy, & Jane Dickey Johnson - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2651

Carolyn Martin Gill, Jane Dickey Johnson, and Margo Bayouth - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2648

Carolyn Martin Gill, Jane Dickey Johnson, and Sherron Brummett Barnes - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2583

Cheryl Crain Martin, Jane Dickey Johnson, and Martha White Jett - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2616

Gathering for a group photo - Saturday, 9/3/05 Linda Riggs Boyd, Nancy Thomas Sayer, Bruce O'Connor, Royal Kent Stuart, Jon Bayouth, Sandy Elliott, Jamey Gill, Jane Dickey Johnson, and Cindy Marsh...
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2634

Fred Mitchell, Jim Mathews, and Steve Sanders - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2669

Jane Dickey Johnson & Jon Bayouth - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2640

Jane Dickey Johnson & Mike Lawrence - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2625

Jane Dickey Johnson, Mike Lawrence, and Annette & John Thompson - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2647

Lady Rich Brown & Jane Dickey Johnson - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2663

Martha White Jett, Nancy Thomas Sayer, Carolyn Martin Gill, Pam Jennings Egert, Sherron Brummett Barnes - Saturday, 9/3/05
Posted By: Jane Dickey Johnson
Views: 2648

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