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Edison High School Class of 1965 - 1990 - 25 Year Reunion
Pictures in Gallery: 123
In July of 1990, we got together for our 25th! We had a wonderful time! If you have photos of the 25th reunion, add them to the gallery. Enjoy!

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03-27 Gathering of Eagles; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2342

03-28 Norm Lively & Mark Bradley; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2430

03-29 Lady Rich Brown & Larry Brown; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2416

03-30 Larry Wharton, Karen Standridge, Linda Black, Steve Watkins; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2433

03-31 Robbie Leikam & Mary Jo Wimbish; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2466

03-32 Dixie Johns, Carol Barr & Linda Freeman; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2402

03-35 Dixie Johns, Pam Davis & Carolyn Jackson; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2413

04-01 Linda Haag, Ben & Kathy Bentley Gorrell; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2435

04-02 Robbie Leikam & her husband, Bryan McCracken; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2592

04-03 Jamie Gill, Jane Dickey & Sherron Brummett; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2443

04-04 Leigh Spillers; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2473

04-05 Jack Wimbish - our M.C.; July 28, 1990
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 2413

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