Edison High School Class of 1965
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Edison High School Class of 1965 - 2005 - 46 Year Paul Revere Elementary Reunion
Pictures in Gallery: 28
The Paul Revere Elementary School class of 1959 gathered together for a special mini-reunion Saturday morning, September 3, 2005 at Philbrook Art Museum in Tulsa. This mini-reunion was the idea of our friend and classmate, Jim Kothe. Jim did all of the planning and organization of this event!

It was wonderful to see so many of our former classmates - there were 23 former Paul Revere classmates in attendance! We even had one of our Paul Revere teachers attending: Mrs. Pearl McLane! She looks great!

During the breakfast, Jim projected a picture of each of us that was taken during our 4th grade year - we were pretty cute. As our young picture was displayed, we stood up, told a brief summary of our lives, and then each of us shared a memory from our years at Paul Revere Elementary - those memories were such fun to hear!

Here are a few pictures from our breakfast together. If you have pictures that you took that morning, please add your pictures to this gallery by clicking the 'Add Photo' link below. It isn't hard, but your photos do need to be less than 1 meg in size before you try to upload it.

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1958 Girl Scout quilt - this is a quilt that was made by our Girl Scout Troop. Each of us embroidered some of the squares, which are the State Birds of each of the (then) 48 States. Dixie Johns' mo...
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Kathy Stone & Dixie Johns
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Kathy Stone & Marian Eskridge Sexton
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Marian Eskridge Sexton & Dixie Johns
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